Today, in many ways is the day I have been waiting for for three years, ever since I was offered this show. The entrance of the Three Little Maids. It is a sort of tipping point for the whole piece, setting the tone for the show in a way that the other songs cannot. I suppose this is because it is the "To Be Or Not To Be", the "Un Bel Di", the "Stellaaaaaa!" of this piece. On opening night of the first production it was encored three times. Three. No pressure there, though. And the tune lives in on a million unexpected ways. Chariots of Fire? Yep. Curb Your Enthusiasm on HBO? Yep--it's that catchy music they play between scenes. And a grillion other places. Thank the gods that we have three little maids who any director would envy--Alison Tupay, Kristen Forrest Leich and Katherine Jolly. Not to mention the incomparable Sean Curran as choreographer. OTSL folks know him as the choreographer of Nixon in China--my folks might remember him as the choreographer of the Martinu double bill I directed for Gotham Chamber Opera a few years back.
That's him in black showing the ladies how to stand. (By the way, check out that natural light in the rehearsal room. That is NOT something you get every day. This rehearsal space is better than a spa, I swear.)
Tomorrow we begin working on the At 1 Finale. Can't believe we've made it this far so soon. Still lots of polish and futzing to be done, certainly, but we've got a strong base for a big chunk of the act.
What are those green things the ladies are wearing around their necks in the "So please you, sir" pics?
Those are very large name tags so that the production staff can refer to all the ensemble members by their first and last names
Very nicce!
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