So today was officially a day off, but the set was being loaded into the theatre, and I had to
drop by and see what was going on. That is our Act 2 castle. It is, indeed, a thing of beauty.

Always amazing how many people work for weeks and months to make what we see onstage.
That is
Katisha's wagon being worked on by Kelly and her team from the props dept.

I love lighting paperwork. Okay, I love lighting, fulls stop. Our first lighting rehearsals are
tomorrow, and all the mysterious runic markings to the left will turn into
stunning visuals. A tasty casserole of science and art.

All of the kimonos for the women's chorus in act 2 are hand made and hand painted. Each an original work of art.
Tonight was our "Spotlight on Opera" event--6 numbers from the piece sung by our fantastic
Gerdine Young Artist covers interspersed with thoughts by our set designer,
Mikiko Suzuki and some espresso fueled ramblings from Yours Truly. A fabulous and well-informed audience as well. If any of you are
visiting the bog, welcome! I hope you enjoyed the event.
Tomorrow we hit the stage. More pictures to follow.
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