Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Big Night

Tonight is the big night. I have a feeling that I might be a bit late getting home to blog tonight, and tomorrow I travel back to Philly to start my next gig in New York on Monday. I promise I will give a "final thoughts" entry some time next week, as well as an update or two over the next month, but after today my daily entries will be no more. It has been a wonderful experience, and I want to thank my readers (all 662 of you, according to google). I hope this has been as fun for you to read as it has been for me to write.

The pictures here are another sort of Easter egg. I have gone on and on earlier about the excellence of all the shops here at OTSL, but I want to point out something that you might miss during the show. All of the women's kimonos in Act 2 are hand made and hand painted. What is unique about them, though, is that when they are lined up in the correct order, they form a single unbroken picture. You can see the sun above Yum-Yum's head below. I still am amazed by this, and seeing it never fails to amaze me.
Hopefully this is the sort of detail that makes the show special. What is best about it is that the singers themselves feel the sort of love that has gone into creating all the costumes, sets and props, and it adds to their performances in ways that are impossible to quantify. So many hundreds (literally hundreds) or people have worked so hard to make this show what it is, and I owe them all a deep debt of gratitude. And what is more, Monday morning they all turn their focus to the next show to open. Everyone here is not just a consummate professional, not just a superb craftsperson, but also a unique and wonderful artist, and I wish them all a fantastic season.
Yes, I gush but that is just me. This has been a wonderful month in St. Louis, one of the most enjoyable of my career, and I must admit that my joy in seeing the show tonight will be slightly tempered by my sadness in needing to leave. For those of you who will be there tonight, enjoy the show. As The Rude Mechanicals said, it is all for your delight...
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Anonymous said...

This post has left me feeling verklempt. Once again, I'm bitterly sorry that I can't be there.

Enjoy your night, buddy. You've earned it.


Natalia said...

I just got home from seeing the show, and it was too fun for words!

Maureen said...

Methinks you've more than earned the right to gush. That kimono mural is inspired!

Anonymous said...

I saw the show last night with my wife and 12-year-old son. I can not adequately briefly describe my feelings. I will somewhat sheepishly admit that I was teary-eyed to find my son laughing at something that I probably first laughed at when I was his age... Particularly when we practically had to drag him to the show ("I'm going to hate it!" - he, of course, ended up LOVING it). I downloaded some of the D'Oyly Carte songs from I-tunes today and I'm happy to say he's whistling and singing along with them. It seems World of Warcraft and paintballs may have a little competition.

I'm so happy you did your blog. This morning I thought "Boy, I wish I had photos to remember the production" - then I remembered your blog. I would have gladly paid for a book of production stills.

As someone who directs in a different medium (documentaries), I admire the fact that your work has touched so many people and my own family. Thank you and please thank everyone at OTSL for me. I wish I could sneak away some night and see it again!

Groom of the Second Floor Front

Ned Canty said...

Thank you so much for your comments. Even being in the same realm as WofW is frankly astounding. If you want to see more pictures of the show, try my portfolio site,

Thanks again for posting--it makes it all worthwhile.

Anonymous said...

Thanks. The photos and captions are great. Now I can relive the performance! I'm anxious to make my way through the rest of your portfolio as well.

